moonlight - illuminates your stare and it's great, captivating you. Does that trouble you? I didn't mean to trouble you...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Proof that Sesame Street Brainwashed Me

Tonight on my way home from LG, I was listening to KRTH 101. The Smokey Robinson song "You really got a hold on me" came on. Instantly I saw a giant dancing "U" in my head. It was driving me crazy, while cruising on Newport Blvd, when it hit me - SESAME STREET

So, when I got home, I YouTube'd "Sesame Street, Smokey Robinson" to find the very clip I had envisioned. I will venture to say that I was probably 4 or 5 when I orgininally saw this, which makes the memory about 21 to 22 years ago. CREEPY....

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