moonlight - illuminates your stare and it's great, captivating you. Does that trouble you? I didn't mean to trouble you...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

And now...Infamous Mall Moments of the 90's #1

My new series is going to be devoted to classic mall moments from the 90's.

The first...drum roll...


In a time where calorie counters were a thing of the future, people would woof down Cinnabon's by the dozen.

I can remember going to the mall in the early 90's and wanting to swing by Cinnabon for a warm, gooey cultural phenom. A pre-cursor to the Krispy Kreme's and Sprinkle's of the world, Cinnabon, you take the cake. (Pun intended)

I don't think I could actually eat one now though, but innocence was bliss back in the day...


Mikkele Suzanne said...

i eat cinnabons in airports sometimes.

Kevin Bringard said...

Airport Cinnabon is the best. Its like a small beacon of light in an otherwise dark and evil place. When I am returning from some crazy country, where I have eaten nothing but goats liver and chicken cockles for a month, I am so happy for a Cinnabon, I would do just about anything to get one... and don't ask what "just about anything" entails, because you don't want to know.