moonlight - illuminates your stare and it's great, captivating you. Does that trouble you? I didn't mean to trouble you...

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I gave up buying new music for Lent.

Here are the rules:
  • Tiffany is not to buy any new music until the day after Easter - which includes any iTunes downloads, Target impulse buys, or trips to Second Spin or Amoeba.
  • Tiffany *is* allowed to get music from friends/family/co-worker spot bonuses - as long as it is unasked for. (this is not a plea, this is just so I don't get criticized if this does happen)
  • Tiffany *is* allowed to download via iTunes if given an iTunes gift card from family for Valentines Day.
  • Tiffany *is* allowed to get any legal, free downloads on the internet (ie Stereogum free downloads, itunes free download of the week, etc.)
The main reason for Lent is to remember the sacrifice that was given to us - not about rules. However, daily at work, home, etc, I am reminded of amazing songs that I want for my collection. During this time frame when I am reminded of these things I want, I am going to recognize why I want them (Reason: You gotta have Rock) and give thanks for all the stuff and gigs of music that I *do* have.

Honestly, this may be the greatest sacrifice ever. I should have given up chocolate.

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