moonlight - illuminates your stare and it's great, captivating you. Does that trouble you? I didn't mean to trouble you...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If I Were a Superhero...

In the past two days, I have driven to Hell-A TWICE.


Therefore, in the past two days I have spent 8 hours in a vehicle, of which I was driving.

All this driving prompted lots of thinking, since I was traveling alone. (I know, be scared)

Here was the highlight of my chaotic thoughts -

If I were a superhero my arch nemesis would be:
  • Obnoxious Dave Matthews Band fans
  • Pickles
  • Mayo
  • Dog Hair
  • Down feathers
  • Windows (hahaa, funny considering the recent conversion)
My Strengths?
  • Excel Spreadsheets (NOTHING makes me happier than an organized, color coded, sortable, excel doc)
  • Perusing Target $1 bins, in a MacGuyver type fashion I can create problem solving strategies from the content of these bins...
  • Pilates and Yoga moves to defeat "negative energy" ....
  • Sweet playlists and mixes on my ipod
  • Sharpee Pens

1 comment:

Jordyn said...

this is intense.
i love that "EXCEL spreadsheet" tops your superhero powers list.