moonlight - illuminates your stare and it's great, captivating you. Does that trouble you? I didn't mean to trouble you...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Album Review - Rouge Wave

Gateway track - "Lake Michigan" or "Publish my Love"

Two points. One - this band was featured on The OC. Two - this band makes me want to dance in tall grass.

To elaborate on point one - The OC was/is the quintessential television show capturing the essence of living in Orange County. Minus all the fights, weird love triangles, the fake pier, the fake Bait Shop, it is exactly like living in Orange County. Ok - it is NOTHING like living in Orange County (I just can't stomach to call it the OC), but there were many many pop culture jokes in which make this show truly enjoyable and utterly miss-able now that it is off the air. I don't care what you say - the show hit it's stride in season 4.

To elaborate on point two - Tall grass. It always looks so magical, so elusive, mysterious, romantic. Have you actually ever walked in tall grass? It is full of bugs, creepy crawlies, snakes, and other creatures that God made and that I am better off seeing on a screen. However, music videos, movies, and tv shows alike will continually make tall grass a dewy daydream of how beautiful raw nature is, when enjoyed at the simplest of levels, always synced and edited to sheer perfection.

Back to Rouge Wave. The album "Asleep at Heaven's Gate" is as ethereal as an episode of the OC and as mysterious and seemingly wonderful as running through tall grass.

I think I just got a mosquito bite. But it was well worth it.

Check it.

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