moonlight - illuminates your stare and it's great, captivating you. Does that trouble you? I didn't mean to trouble you...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hallelujah it's raining (rain) - Day 1

Fall has arrived.

Time to bust out the Jose Gonzales albums, the Sufjan, the dcfc, the postal service, the band of horses, etc. Time to put away the sounds of summer and move toward the melancholy fall tunes.
It is raining. I am pretty much bored out of my mind. Note - it has only been about 20 hours since I have been on vacation. This is the decompression period.

Today is vacation day 1. I have NOTHING to do.

I have no work to do for work, no laundry, no cleaning, I am essentially packed for my trip, I have seen all my DVD's, I am not hungry - I don't know what the heck to do.

If I knew how to thread my sewing machine I could start doing that. But that requires me to do a lot of learning, and all the online guides that I have read are really complicated. I may sew my finger to the thing....

4 days until Budapest.

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